
Notice of Co-option: Tudur Community (Ward)
NOTICE IS HEARBY GIVEN that the Llangefni Town Council intends to co-opt 1 member to...
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Notice of Conclusion of Audit
Notice of Conclusion of Audit and right to inspect the annual return for the years...
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Casual Vacancy – Office of Councillor (Tudur)
PUBLIC NOTICE Casual Vacancy - Office of Councillor Community: LLANGEFNI Ward: TUDUR Notice is hereby...
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Margaret Ann Thomas and Terry Jones
New Town Mayor Elected
Llangefni’s newly elected town Mayor for 2023-2024 is Councillor Margaret Ann Thomas and the Deputy...
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Official Opening of St. David’s Hospice Charity Shop in Llangefni 17.04.2023
Opened by the Town Mayor, Cllr. Non W. Parry and Deputy Mayor, Cllr. John Lee
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